We had enough help to not need the chute. Coby and some friends, as well as Bill, Wade, Denver and Megan all pitched in. We just roped and drug to the fire. Megan sports a mean vaccine!
This picture shows the
"Smokin Crooked H Brand"
YEH! We got the fireplace done. You can see Bill's mantel above the rock work. Nikki's daughter Paysen is our model. We were watching the kids for a week so Nikki and Caleb could get away for a little vacation before he deploys for a....YEAR! Yikes.
This is the cabin in Happy Jack. The outside is about done but the inside is pretty primitive (if that's what you call blankets for bathroom doors) We're probably done for the year and will add lights, cabinets and floor covering next year. After all, the guys say we don't want to work ourselves out of a job. Come and see us. We're there until October.